MGM China Invests MOP$15 Billion in New MICE and Arts Spaces in Macau and Cotai

Updated:2024-04-17 16:06    Views:210

MGM Macau and MGM Cotai, MGM China’s Macau resorts, are getting the new MICE and art space. MGM China is owned by the global industry giant MGM Resorts International, which is based in the U.S.

An advanced, modern addition to existing hotels:

Pansy Ho, a Co-Chairperson and Executive Director of MGM China, confirmed the claims, saying that it’s a part of a 10-year concession.

The newest amenities will be placed across 60.000 square meters in Macau and 100.000 square feet at Cotai. The space will cover all the needs of the MICE venue, along with a modern, high-tech design. The idea is to build smaller, personalized venues that will be personalized to meet the needs of the property. The venues will host events such as top performances, fashion shows, and similar ones.

The new MGM Macau venue is expected to be launched by the end of Q3 of next year, just before the 25th anniversary of the territory’s return to its motherland.

When it comes to the Cotai property, the project still isn’t approved by the government: “This new building is not under our control. We have to apply to the government because this is a new theme.”

The Cotai property’s addition will be placed outside of the hotel, and it’s imagined as a themed structure. The details are still unknown.

Dedication to art:

This space will be dedicated to various kinds of art. Ho stated: “MGM has been working with artists to organize art exhibitions in the public spaces of the property.” The officials will also try to encourage the residents and tourists to explore Macau from a different angle, a more artistic one. The company claims that it wants the hotel to be a tourist destination, not necessarily connected to the casino and gambling business.

According to the new concession, MGM China will be obligated to invest MOP$15 billion in various non-gaming elements on the site, including arts and culture amenities for the property’s visitors.

The executive commented: “There are spaces within the two existing properties that are still not fully utilized… for which the company will apply to the government to develop them, and for that, art and cultural elements are going to be a focus.”

MGM Cotai will one more time work with Joana Vasconcelos, a famous artist from Portugal, to bring a new luxury art installation that the artist created with Dior, Valkyrie Miss Dior, to Macau.

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